Monday, July 28, 2008

Snapshot Me

I've got a photographic memory
Taking Snapshots of your life
Oh, we were happy
Love lit up my darkroom
Nimbly, I develop the rest
Knowing the shining light of love didn't last
Next phase, pictures blurred
There's shouting, angry words like lava
Recoiled and crying I sat alone
The last set of pictures, bittersweet
You look happy again
She's got a pretty face, but I know how she controls you
Like a tiger, you are the prey in her mouth
Teeth bared she snarls and rears her head at me
I may not be as happy now, but I'm a helluva lot stronger
She doesn't phase me.
To me, she is a stray cat
Rogue and impermanent
She'll go her own way soon
I can picture it
Just trust me to catch you
Like I always have

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