Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hooray for tomorrow!

So I have been soo incredibly bored since monday. The show only runs thursdays through sundays so I've been basically counting down the days till I have something to do again. And that countdown ends tomorrow! Woohoo!

The past two days haven't been too interesting... Talked to Jon. As usual. I actually got to see him again today! For some random reason I was like, "Hey... Can I go to church with you?" Now. I'm not really a church going lady. I only just started reconnecting with Christ a few weeks ago. But I really wanted to see Jon and the sermon was nice to listen to. But going to church always makes me think. It makes me wanna be a better person, which I guess it's supposed to do.

I wonder how I'm doing with this whole religion thing. Like I'm praying and stuff... I have been for a while now. But I'm not sure I'll know if God has answered my prayer. Jon says it'll come in a small quiet voice, and I'll know. I just have to pay attention. But I'm just kinda nervous I'll miss it! :/

So Jon told me today that he thinks very highly of me and he only wished that I respected myself as much as he respects me. No one has ever said anything like that to me before! I was flattered and taken aback all at once. He makes it so hard to stick to the decision I made yesterday. I decided I was gonna hold off on finding a boyfriend until after the school year started (senior! yay!) cause I wanted to check out who was in my classes and stuff. But Jon is just too darn amazing! He makes me happy.

Ugh. Man. I am weak.

1 comment:

dev said...

u are confused. you have this strange image of your boyfriend, a taller, physically atractive, and things you dont seem to find in Jon. yet you like him and are not sure if u should go for him or wait for a someone who fits that 'image' of yours.
most of the times we keep looking for things, hoping that we will get a better 'choice', be it cellphones or choosing clothes, we go from place to place, hoping we will get a better one. I dont know whether Jon is "the one" for you, you will never know if you don't give yourself the chance..